I recently received this email from a fellow Bombshell Stamps' design team member:
As we all know, there are times in this beautiful crafty world where bigger parts of life come into play. More serious parts of life. Well, one such part of life has come my way. It's on the periphery of my life but more centralized to someone special in my darling brother's life.
My brother's dear friend and former roommate, Ryan, was involved in an accident on a Saturday afternoon in April 2011 in New Orleans, while riding his bike to meet up with friends. The facts of the accident remain unclear but Ryan did sustain a brain injury. As a side note - Ryan moved from CA to NOLA after Katrina to live there and help/work with the relief efforts to help the citizens of NOLA rebuild. Ya...he's an amazing young man.
So - what am I asking of you? I'm asking you to think of him, send blessings, prayers, white light, love and healing (however you manifest those thoughts and feelings) in the form of cards to send his way. Here is the post that his family put up:
Here is the
link to the call for cards for Ryan.
You can read the information further on his blog or you can read the snippet that I've added below:
"On a separate note, Ryan has received a few cards recently and seems to really enjoy opening them and looking at them. We would really like to continue showering him with cards! Below is his address at the hospital if you'd like to send him one. These can also be useful with his rehabilitation by triggering memories. To help his parents and therapists in explaining the cards to Ryan, it'd be great if you could include a picture of yourself and/or a description of how you know each other (i.e. college, work, etc.). Another idea would be to write about a great story or memory you and Ryan share together. Thanks and have a good weekend."
Ryan’s Address:
Attn: Ryan Porcelli, Room M622
Touro Hospital
1401 Foucher St.
New Orleans, LA 70115
If you could be SO lovely to send a RAK card to Ryan, I KNOW that it would make his day, put a smile on his face, and bring him encouragement and strength for the long and healing road that lies ahead of him.
To avoid confusion, please write somewhere in the card that you are a friend of Meredith Winston - Ethan Goldstein's sister. That way Ryan will have a frame of reference as to where the card originated from.
Also - (and I know I'm asking a lot) but if you could forward this to anyone you know that might send a card out I'd be greatly appreciative!! I think it's a very worthy cause and something that all of us can easily do with all of the boxes of cards we have lying around! =)
I truly and sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read this and hopefully drop a fun and cheery card in the mail to Ryan.
Don't hesitate to let me know if you have ANY questions!!
Thank you so much my darling crafty friends!!
Here is the link to Meredith's
blog post about the Call for Cards for Ryan.
I know everyone is very busy at this time of year with last minute vacations and getting ready for back-to-school, but please take a few minutes to send a card to Ryan!! Please make sure to add your card to the Inlinkz link on the post above. There is a fabulous prize package for every person that sends a card to Ryan!
If you'd like to add the badge to the sidebar of your blog, please let me know and I'll get it to you.
If you've made it this far, I appreciate the time you spent reading this post...and I'd REALLY appreciate it if you could pass this information along to your other stamping friends! Thanks SO much and I know that Ryan and his family will appreciate it, too!