This term is for 4 months and will start on January 1, 2012 and end on April 30, 2012. The requirements are as follows:
~Have an active blog where you post 2-3 times a week.
~Have a gallery on SCS where you post your weekly projects
~Be able to complete 1 card a week and post it to your blog and your gallery.
~Commenting on our Challenge participants’ blogs is a must!
~Be able to promote the PTT blog where ever possible. Also place our badge on your personal blogs sidebar linking back to PTT.
~Take excellent photos of your work.
~Bea able to work with Digital stamps.
~Have excellent coloring skills
~If you belong to other DT’s no problem just make sure you can meet our deadlines of a card a week!
The Perks: Getting your name and designs out for the public to see! Your name will be featured on the PTT blog. Getting DT experience if you have never been on a Design Team. Support in a team environment...The Senior DT is a great help! They are all very friendly and helpful! You will also receive products that our generous sponsors give the team to feature in their designs!
To Apply: If this sounds like a team you would love to be part of, please email the following to Please submit your application no later than Friday, December 2, 2011 by 8pm mountain time. Applicants will be notified by December 5, 2011. Team will be officially announced on January 3, 2012.
Full name
~A link to your personal blog~SCS gallery link
~Craft Resume
~Best email for contact
~3 photos of your favorite projects featuring your best coloring skills. Please make sure 1 of those projects includes a digital stamp that is colored.
Good luck!!
The way your embellishment matches the paper perfectly really makes the entire card look really awesome.