I received this award from Linda from Payne Holler Cards. Linda is a
fabulous stamper and you MUST check out her

Okay, here are the questions that I'm supposed to answer:
1. Where is your cell phone? In my purse
2. Your hair? Short, reddish brown w/blonde streaks
3. Your mother? My best friend and stamping buddy
4. Your father? Always there for me
5. Your fave food? Chocolate and peanut butter
6. Your dream last night? Can’t remember but I’m sure it was strange!
7 . Your fave drink? “REAL” Coke!
8. Your dream/goal? To retire and travel
9. What room are you in? Computer room
10. Your hobby? Stamping/riding my motorcycle
11. Your fear? Heights (AND bats!)
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Retired and living in South Carolina
13. Where you were last night? Home
14. Something that you aren’t? Outgoing
15. Muffins? Yes, please- banana nut
16. Wish List Item? New and organized stamp room
17. Where did you grow up? All over- I’m an Air Force ‘brat’
18. Last thing you did? Checked my email
19. What are you wearing? Jeans and sweater
20. Your TV? Taken over by DH
21. Your Pets? None- only 2 ‘grandkitties’
22. Friends? Lots of fabulous ones!!
23. Your Life? Good!
24. Your Mood? Content
25. Missing Someone? My niece, Julie
26. Vehicle? Chevy Monte Carlo/ Suzuki Boulevard motorcycle
27. Something you’re not wearing? jewelry
28. Your fave store? All Things Country
29. Your fave color? Brights- especially purple
30. Last time you laughed? About an hour ago…
31. Last time you cried? When my niece, Julie, passed away
32. Your best friend? My mom
33. One place that I go to over and over? work
34. One person who emails regularly? Bren
35. Fave place to eat? Texas Roadhouse
36. Facebook? Yes
Now, I’m supposed to pass this award on to 5 fabulous bloggers. Well, there are SO many fabulous bloggers out there that I couldn’t possibly pick only 5! If you’d like to take this award, please do so! I thank you ALL for your creativity and inspiration!!